Puiši no Latvijas šodien ir palaiduši publiski savu ilgi loloto HTML5 bāzēto spēļu dzinēja Mightyfingers beta versiju.
For the last couple of months we have been working really hard with first MightyEngine adapters, adding important features and eliminating bugs. Finally we are ready to launch public beta and fork it on github.
Engine has built in editor which speeds up your workflow: managing assets, editing levels, deploy to web/ios/android, minify code, import/export projects, code editor, multi-user support. We take care of rendering and all the little details across many different browsers, it’s super fast and supports pixel perfect object manipulation, sprites, animations, filters and transformations, modular architecture, sound support and UI templating system. Full feature pack is listed here
Lai labāk saprastu, kas tas ir par zvēru un ko ar to iesākt, var apmeklēt spēļu demo sadaļu, kurā var paspēlēties ar dažām uz MightyFingers dzinēja bāzētām spēlēm.
Nedaudz par šo start-up.