lapā ir atrodams diezgan garš, bet tajā pašā laikā izglītojošs raksts par iespējamo nākotnes internetu, kas it kā varētu atrisināt problēmas ar kurām mēs saskaramies šodien.
Speciālisti uzskata, ka interneta infrastruktūra, kas tika ieviesta 1970-jos gados ir praktiski izsmēlusi savas iespējas un atbilstoši 21.gadsimta līmenim tā būtu jāpārbūvē no jauna.
The project is called PlanetLab, and within the next three years, researchers say, it will help revitalize the Internet, eventually enabling you to
* forget about hauling your laptop around. No matter where you go, you’ll be able to instantly recreate your entire private computer workspace, program for program and document for document, on any Internet terminal;
* escape the disruption caused by Internet worms and viruses—which inflicted an average of $81,000 in repair costs per company per incident in 2002—because the network itself will detect and crush rogue data packets before they get a chance to spread to your office or home;
* instantly retrieve video and other bandwidth-hogging data, no matter how many other users are competing for the same resources;
* archive your tax returns, digital photographs, family videos, and all your other data across the Internet itself, securely and indestructibly, for decades, making hard disks and recordable CDs seem as quaint as 78 RPM records.
Izklausās jau interesanti, bet kā būs patiesībā to mēs redzēsim vēlāk.
Bet tikmēr Ericsson un TeliaSonera demonstrē jau šobrīd GPRS tīklā IPv6 pakalpojumus. Detalizētāks apraksts ir atrodams