Šodien iznāks jaunā PostgreSQL 8.2.0 versija. Tā kā es pāris starpversijas biju palaidis garām, tad bija gana interesanti palasīt par izmaiņām, kas var diezgan būtiski ietekmēt dažu labu projektu.
Manuprāt būtiskākās izmaiņas parādījās kopš PostgreSQL 8.1.4 drošības uzlabojumiem.
Patiesībā abas lietas ir gana nopietnas, lai liektu nedaudz iespringt. Pirmais ir saistīts ar UTF-8 atbalstu.
Whenever the client is using a multibyte encoding, the server will reject strings containing invalidly encoded multibyte characters. While PostgreSQL has been moving in this direction for some time, the checks are now back-ported to all supported versions, applied uniformly to all encodings, and cannot be disabled. This may cause problems for applications that formerly permitted “garbage characters” in string input. If you need to store data that is not in any recognized encoding, we recommend using SQL_ASCII encoding on both ends of the connection.
Klāt nākuši pāris jauni konfigurācijas parametri.
When the client is using a “client only” encoding (SJIS, BIG5, GBK, GB18030, or UHC) the server furthermore rejects uses of “\'” to represent a single quote mark in a SQL string literal. This historical usage has been deprecated for some time in favor of the SQL-standard representation “”” (two single quote marks). However, it is still extremely common, and this change will doubtless cause issues for some applications. We have therefore added a server parameter “backslash_quote” that can be set to control how strict the server is:
* backslash_quote = on : Allow \’ always (old behavior; INSECURE
* backslash_quote = off : Reject \’ always
* backslash_quote = safe_encoding : Allow \’ if client_encoding is safe
Silts ieteikums būtu notestēt savus projektus ar jaunajām versijām, pirms likt virsū uz produkcijas servera.
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