Turpinot iesākto tēmu par DivX laikam būtu jāpiemin nesen iznākušā jaunā VirtualDub 1.5.2 versija.
Ieteiktu aiziet uz izstrādātāju lapu un palasīt sīkāk par jaunajām izmaiņām šajā versijā virtualdub.org.
Internally, the code has been changed significantly, and for this reason 1.5.2 is more of an experimental release than usual. Specifically, 1.5.2 is the first version to use separate audio/video pipes and a pull architecture rather than a push architecture.
VirtualDub 1.5.2 620KiB
VirtualDub 1.5.2 P4 644KiB (optimizētā versija priekš P4 procesoriem)
Build 16188 (Version 1.5.2): [April 30, 2003]
[features added]
* Converted help from WinHelp to HTML and updated dialog help to current feature set.
* Added frame rate conversion to arbitrary frame rates.
* Added logging to report non-fatal warnings during operations.
* MPEG parser detects and reports timestamp discontinuities.
* Added limited error concealment capabilities to input handlers.
* Optimized audio filters a bit and added tap count control for lowpass, highpass, and resampling filters.
* Added “new rate” audio filter to relabel an audio stream with a new sampling rate without resampling.
* Incomplete audio format headers that are rejected by ACM MP3 codecs are automatically fixed with the required fields (the infamous “tag 0055” problem).
* Added workaround for AVI1 files with MP3 audio being detected as MP3 files by Windows Media Player 8.
[features removed]
* Removed coach dialogs. Not helpful enough and too outdated to maintain.
[bug fixes]
* Fixed capture free space indicator being limited to 4GB under Windows 98 (regression in 1.5 series).
* Fixed crash when job queue could not be flushed to disk.
* VDFs that contained multiple filters were only showing the last filter in the library (regression in 1.5 series).
* Fixed crash when attempting to direct copy a video stream with an abnormally large BITMAPINFOHEADER (>16K).
Added code to detect and correct such mistakes.
* Fixed hang in audio filter graph editor when placing output filter with autoconnect on and no place for it to attach.
* Fixed livelock at end of operation when lowpass/highpass audio filters were in use.
* Fixed internal error when attempting to start an incomplete audio filter graph (unconnected pins).
* Fixed garbage wLanguage/wPriority values being written to audio AVI track headers when converting an MPEG-1 file.
* Fixed crash when attempting to load an AVI stream with an invalid sample rate (zero or infinite). Added code to guess and substitute a reasonable value.
* Fixed small memory leak in “smoother” video filter.
Viss jau buutu labi ja download linki straadaatu!
Uzspiezhot uz download linka paraadaas balta lapa ar textu, augshgalaa raxtiits “You are authorized to view this page”!
nju, man gan viss gaaja..
hmm veeru valjaa ar winraru a jamais man kaukaadu Unexpected end of archive
un tad veel kaukaadus errorus…iisaak sakot neatveeru…
ui vienkaarshi nebij visu nokachaajis…:))
ja vel labak butu ja tas spetu apstradat ari .asf, .wmv,…… 🙁
Vai kaads zin veel kaadu saliidzinoši vienkāršu programmu ar kuru vareetu graiziit .avi failus.
einstein, tev vajag VirtualDub 1.3. Veelaakaas versijaas vinjiem mazais miikstais uzbrauca un piespieda iznjemt asf uztureeshanu, jo taa esot patenteeta tehnologjija.