Mērdoks jau konkrētāk izsakās par to kā viņš domā ieviest maksas saturu internetā jeb no kā viņš prasīs naudu par saturu, par kuru runāja augustā.
“The aggregators and plagiarists will soon have to pay a price for the co-opting of our content. But if we do not take advantage of the current movement toward paid content, it will be the content creators — the people in this hall — who will pay the ultimate price and the content kleptomaniacs who triumph,” the News Corp. chief executive said.
Jau minēju, ka Google arī strādā pie mikromaksājumiem par maksas saturu. Paralēli tam notiek darbs pie tā, lai monitorētu nelegāli izmantoto saturu.
The AP already plans to roll out a system, called a news registry, that will track its content online and detect unlicensed uses in ways that could help boost revenue for the not-for-profit news cooperative, which was founded in 1846, and its member newspapers. The system will be tested in six weeks by nine newspapers along with a sports statistics provider run jointly by AP and News Corp.
Pirmie varētu atrauties mobilo ierīču lietotāji, kuriem sāks prasīt naudu.
Last month, The Wall Street Journal said it plans to start charging as much as $2 per week to read its stories on BlackBerrys, iPhones and other mobile devices, expanding the newspaper’s effort to become less dependent on its print edition.
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Atbalss: Times Co. reklāmas ieņēmumi un maksas saturs internetā | Pods.lv