Tā kā esmu diezgan pasīvs “kačātājs”, bet tāpat ik pa brīdim kaut ko vajag novilkt, tad pieturos pie pārbaudītām vērtībām un joprojām izmantoju eMule tīklu, jo tajā var atrast visu, ko man vajag. Torentiem jau arī nav ne vainas, ja interesē jaunumi, bet kaut kā sanāk pagaidīt kādu dienu un atvilkt bez spriedzes no vēl klasiskākā ftp. 😉 Ļoti apbēdināja ziņa, kuru uzzināju no Krizdabz bloga, ka lielākam eMule serverim uzklupusi policija.
Brussels, Los Angeles– In a joint operation today police and prosecuting authorities in Belgium and Switzerland shut down the infamous file-swapping network Razorback2. Razorback2 was the number one eDonkey peer-to-peer server facilitating the illegal file swapping of approximately 1.3 million users simultaneously. Razorback2 was operated as a commercial enterprise indexing over 170 million files including millions of copyrighted movies, software, games, TV programming and music with international and U.S. titles. The site was regularly used by people located all over the world, with the vast majority of users based in Europe.
Nedaudz nomierina ziņa, ka lietotāju IP adreses, tomēr netika glabātas uz diska, bet gan operatīvajā atmiņā.
Whereas many internauttes worries as for the data seized by the Belgian authorities with the Razorback waiter, we had the assurance which no personal data was stored there. With a million users and tens of million exchanged files, Razorback could not technically have held a log of connections with the unit of IP addresses of the users. All the data necessary to the correct operation of Razorback were stored in read-write memory, and were thus lost at the time of the seizure. It is what a source close to Razorback ensures us.
Atbalss: Kā sadraudzēt datoru ar magnet (torrent) adresēm | Pods.lv