oDC++ v5.02

Udzzis raksta:

Dodu ziņu, ka šodien iznākusi kārtējā populārā direct connect klienta Opera’s DC++ versija – oDC++ 5.02

oDC mājas lapa

oDC++ 5.02 2 080KiB

New features:
Added support for multiple hub searches. This is not tested very much, and might not work perfectly. Don’t complain about this please
Fixed the settings dialog under the oDC section to have a neater layout (with language support)
Added notification to crc checks to the status bar (as in oDC 4.4)
This decreases the pressure on the network, the hub, the clients bandwidth, the clients cpu (very much!), and it speeds up alternate searching with up to 10 times!
IMPORTANT: It only speeds up releases. It will only slow down you system if you do this on other folders.
Note: Due to uncertaincies in the protocol, the amount of alternate sources can vary from file to file. This is normal, and nothing to worry about.’);” onmouseout=”helpClose();”>[help] Added fast search for alternates for releases. Use this only on releases, read help to the left (thanks for the suggestion Sigge)
Added user commands menu to the search results
Added a default text menu to main chat, and copy menu to search results
Added /lastlog feature
Added support for multi-button-mice.

Changed behaviour:
Changed the number of remembered search strings from 10 to 20
Special features:
Changed the menu of the window tabs to real window system menus, instead of only “Close”
Fixed so that the oDC tray icon is recreated when explorer crashes and the taskbar dies

Fixed features:
Fixed the scrolling bugs in main chat
Fixed a crash bug when bad hub softwares sends commands not supported by the protocol
Fixed the default browser bug. Whatever browser you have set as default, should be started when double-clicking on a url
Fixed the major search bug from dc++ 0.231
Fixed the browser bug (again). Now it should start your default browser

16 thoughts on “oDC++ v5.02

  1. daysleeper

    nez cik vispar pastav sho te alternativo dc ?? es zinu, ka ir shaads. varbut tas kaadu ieinteresees.
    NEWS: http://utrum.dyndns.org:8000/ offers an altered DC++-version called BCDC++. I am using it for 7 weeks now, without any trouble. BCDC++ has more options than DC++, like automatically granting slots to favorite users, granting ppl a slot for just one hour, a day or a week, etc…

  2. x3n0d

    pateikshu atklaati – es lietoju tikai neomodus jeb direct connect…kaapeec?…taapeec, ka, lai arii kaa es experimenteetu, bet ar cd++ man vienmeer suukneeshanas aatrums ir 10x mazaax…piemeeram, ja uz neo ir sakains 50kb, tad uz dc++ ir 5…nezinu, kaapeec taa ir…protams, no apakshtiikla ir savaadaak – liidz pat 1mbit…un vienalga, dc++ reaali iesako man…

  3. mxz

    jociigi ir tas, ka nevar ne Alfai ne Omegai piekonekteeties… pazinjo, ka nav ieveerota atveerto slotu proporcija. max 3 slot uz hubu, bet man ir uzstaadiiti 6 un pietam neesmu citos hubos iekshaa. tas taa tikai ar oDC5.02, ar parasto veco DC++ viss notiek…
    kaads varbuut var paliidzeet, varbuut tieshaam laame un nemaaku pareizi settingus uzstaadiit?

  4. Jok`R de Mo

    DC++ i labaks par parasto DC, te it kaa teica ka 10x lenax he, jaa jaa esmu dzirdejis ka cilveki taa runaa – problema ir taa ka DC cik noprotu nepareizi atteelo atrumu varetu but ka raada nevis konkretaa faila atrumu bet visu kopaa un cilveki jauc, vai arii vienkarshi gljuks. man te viens teica ka vinam uz MDSL ar parasto DC iet uz 50kb sec hahaha, mDSL tikai 32kb ir max. taa kaa kaut kas ar to DC nav kartibaa kaut kadigi…

  5. Udzzis

    To MrTLatvia:
    Laikam jau tu kaut ko dari ne tā, jo es tieku visos LV hubos, praktiski visu laiku lietoju tikai šo klientu. Un vēl daudzi citi arī.
    oDC var atpazīt šādi: iekš UserList pie Description pirms standarta info par klientu <++V:0:x,M:x……> ir oDC info <o5.0x> (daži vēl lieto vecākas versijas <o4.x>).
    Starp citu ne tikai “Taa jau uztaisiits smux,…”, bet arī vairākas jaunas funkcijas etc, par ko var uzzināt oDC mājas lapā un forum ā.

  6. Phoenix

    Nezinu kas notiek ar DC++ visiem ar ko runaaju vienkaarshi ne no shaa ne ne taa aizveraas ciet meegginaashu BCDC++, ja kaads zina pasakiet kaapeec taisaas ciet tas DC++

  7. Neverminder

    man taspac… DC++ njem uz aizveras peec ~10 sek. Kaut kas nav labi. Bet nu, uzliku Neo-Modus… un lai cik tas stulbi arii neizklausiitos, aatrums ir lielaaks.

  8. EmineM

    jaa es domaaju ka dc++ nau laps taapee ka nevar piekonekteeties nesaprotu ko visi vinnu taa slavee es vinnu esu jau kaadas 15 reizes palaidu un nekas nesanaak ta jau laabaak winmx lietot :)) jakas varbuut kaads var atsuutiit SIIKU instrukciju kaa pielikt ti DC++


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