Media Player Classic

Jauna apakšversija Media Player Classic, kas principā satur tikai kļūdu labojumus.

Media Player Classic priekš Windows NT/2k/XP 524KiB
Media Player Classic priekš Windows 9x/ME 520KiB

Media Player Classic mājas lapa

Media Player Classic
– Fixed occasional crashing with the special RealMedia renderer, and also made it about 10% faster measured on a 2.4GHz p4 (@900kbps, cpu utilization: 40% -> 30%). The fix and the speed-up both came from the change in the video color format. So far my renderer rejected I420 and forced the rm decoder to output in YUY2 (this was causing the crashes sometimes), but now that the renderer is doing this conversion by itself it became much faster, try to compare it with 6430.
– The file reading functions of the subtitling engine were replaced and now it is possible to use unicode files (utf-8, utf-16le, utf-16be) under win9x/me too. However, since the OS and its controls are still not “unicode-enabled” you won’t be able to display or input unicode letters at the subresync bar. Rendering on video works if you have the needed fonts installed. You can get different language support for the OS through Internet Explorer’s installer at Windows Update. I have also tested the reading of USF files under win98se and found that a fresh new installation doesn’t have the needed msxml support, this can also be updated together with IE or probably with another MS product.
– Logo stays hidden when switching from one playlist item to another.
– The “output audio separately” checkbox on the capture bar remembers its state.

13 thoughts on “Media Player Classic

  1. bush

    bet ir tachu kaudze ar labaakiem playeriem. kaa dazhus vareetu nosaukt zoomplayer 3, quickessential player, blaze media pro un visbeidzot tachu pats windows media player 9. pats lietoju zoomplayer un esmu pilniigi apmierinaats, jo tas ir mazs, viegls un taapat izmantojams.

  2. Andris

    vai man kads cilvecinsh nevaretu pateikt ko lai ess iesaku? Parakstiju uz Windows media player dziesmas no cd bet pec tam atpakalj uz cd. Tagat pec laba laika nolemu paklausities bet vinsh kad uzliek kadu dziesmu splauj ara uzreiz internetu un nespele. Majas kompim man i-nets nav. Ko lai es daru


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