Tiem, kas lieto DC++ noteikti, ka interesēs jaunā versija DC++ v0.22 1 788KiB.
DC++ mājas lapa http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net/
Par to, kas jauns var palasīt zemāk.
* The forums are up again! On a new address though, http://dcplusplus.sf.net/forum…
* Added nice installer. It’s big because it comes with the debug info, if you just want a zip as in the old versions, you can find it on http://sf.net/projects/dcplusplus.
* Fixed a bug with files being added to the queue without target directory. This caused quite a lot of strange behaviour ranging from hang at startup to empty queues and crashing deletes. Hopefully, I fixed it proper, but rereport the bugs if you still have problems…
*WARNING – WARNING – WARNING* if you upgrade to 0.22, all old queue items that are missing a directory in the target file-name will be removed. Don’t upgrade if your queue is precious to you, and you didn’t have anything in the default download directory box in the settings (finish it with version 0.181 or edit your queue.xml file and add a directory to all targets without…). (thanks fusbar for finding it)
* Added so that only files with the same extension are visible in the download to menus (this was actually done in 0.21 but I forgot to write it down…=)
* Fixed a bug where dc++ would stop listening to incoming connections, causing connection timeouts in active mode
* Right-click menu now works for all nicks (even outside < and >)
* Fixed width of some status bars when font size differs from mine (I think…why would anyone want to change anyway? =)
* Fixed height of edit controls when font size differs from mine
* Added the hub the user was last connected to to the finished downloads.
* Added hub to the logging (see readme for available parameters)
* Fixed a bug in speed calculation in the finished downloads frame (for resumed downloads)
* Last known hub is now shown in pm window when user goes offline
* Progress bars can now be disabled in the advanced settings
* Added user-customizable right-click menu commands to the hub windows (to send commands to hub bots)
* Advanced settings dialog remade a bit
* Fixed missing default setting for default download directory, making a lot of queue items miss a target directory =)
* Fixed case sensitivity in search right-click menu
* Fixed crash when opening file lists
* Added on-the-fly SFV checking, enable it in the advanced settings. Failed files are removed and requeued.
* Added sfv parameter to the logging (for full list, see readme.txt) and finished files frame
* Fixed startup crash when settings file was incorrectly saved (unfortunately, this makes you lose your settings tho)
* Fixed vc6 project file (zlib wasn’t in the dependencies…come on guys, this much you should be able to figure out)
* If you’re translating and find any untranslated string or have problems because something can’t be done in your language (strange plurals?), add it to the bug report…(settings excluded)
kautkaa visas versijas no 1.81 uz augshu man neiepatikaas. varbuut es esmu tikai iesuunojis opis. es apsolos mainiities 🙂
Vispār jau tās jaunās versijas var vilkt un lietot pēc tam, kad kāds ir tās patestējis.
Benvenuto: kas tev vecajaa versijaa patiik, kas nav jaunajaas (vai otraadi)?
man jaunaja 0.22 patik, progresbari, bet nepetik tas, ka vairs nav noteikta krasa pie usera, kura norada uz vina piesleguma veidu
Man personīgi nez kāpēc labāk patīk Opera’s DC++.
Leeds: neredzu jeegu no taas proxy izmantoshanas iespeejas ieksh 0.2* versijaam, jo man to naher nevaidzees. varbuut citiem akal tas ir visu sapnju piepildiijums.
ieksh 0.2* versijaam mani kaitina kaa tiek paraadiitas direktorijas ieksh download query. atshkjiras no 1.81
nezinu vai tas ir man vai citiem bet iekss favorite hubs sarakstot hubus tie nesaglabaajas kad atkaartoti palaizz progu ??????
uzmanieties ar shiis jaunaas 0.22 versijas palaishanu.
Oficiaals briidinaajums:
“*WARNING – WARNING – WARNING* if you upgrade to 0.22, all old queue items that are missing a directory in the target file-name will be removed.”
uzmanieties ar shiis jaunaas 0.22 versijas palaishanu.
Oficiaals briidinaajums:
“*WARNING – WARNING – WARNING* if you upgrade to 0.22, all old queue items that are missing a directory in the target file-name will be removed.”
vai ir iespeeja saglabaak logu izkaartojumu DC ? Diezgan neerti tommer ir biidiit ailes turpu shurpu, lai redzeetu kaads juuzerim piesleegums, direktorija utt.
A ko ta shitais ir tik liels? tb 1.7 MB. Agraak bija kaadi 300 KB. Tas installers man naher nav vajadziigs!!!!
Agraak normaali bija – atarhivee un miers. Nekaadas saapiigas instalaacijas.
Kam tas ir izdeviigi?
A kas tur saapiigs. Taa instalaacija jau taada pati atarhiveeshana vien ir, tikai ikonas veel ieliek.
Nu tomeer ir starpiiba vai 300 KB vai 1.7 MB!!!!!!
Ja tu lieto DC++ tad par tik siikiem skaitliishiem vari aizmirst. Nav jau tik liela beeda.
var tak atveert maajas lapu un panjemt bez installer’a, un tieshaam, kas tur, taads nieks vien ir 😀
–>fosco: starpiiba starp 300KB un 1.7MB lielu failu vairs ir tikai teoreetiska. Praksee to nejuut 🙂
Kaads vareetu pateikt kaadus LV hub. www.hub.lv ir aizgaajis ciet. Luugums peec iespeejas aatraak.
Ljautinji miiljie, izskaidrojiet luudzu, kas tas taads hub ir! Nevis hub.lv, bet vienkarshi hub.
Kur var dabut dc++ hub listus?