Uzskrēju šim rakstam iekš, kurā Googles CEO Eric Schmidt stāsta savu redzējumu par to kāds būs internets pēc pieciem gadiem.
Highlighted comments include:
- Five years from now the internet will be dominated by Chinese-language content.
- Today’s teenagers are the model of how the web will work in five years – they jump from app to app to app seamlessly.
- Five years is a factor of ten in Moore’s Law, meaning that computers will be capable of far more by that time than they are today.
- Within five years there will be broadband well above 100MB in performance – and distribution distinctions between TV, radio and the web will go away.
- “We’re starting to make significant money off of Youtube”, content will move towards more video.
- “Real time information is just as valuable as all the other information, we want it included in our search results.”
- There are many companies beyond Twitter and Facebook doing real time.
- “We can index real-time info now – but how do we rank it?”
- It’s because of this fundamental shift towards user-generated information that people will listen more to other people than to traditional sources. Learning how to rank that “is the great challenge of the age.” Schmidt believes Google can solve that problem.
Visu stāstījumu var noskatīties YouTube ievietotajā klipā.
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Tas tāpat skaidrs, ka interneta iespējas dzīvē izmantos arvien vairāk. Par ķīniešiem, ja viņš to paredz kā spama pieaugumu no .cn zonas, arī var piekrist. Cik tos karākuļus lasīs, ir cits jautājums 😀
Var paredzēt, arī visādas draņķīgas sabiedriskas perturbācijas, jo useris vulgaris, kurš informāciju pārsvarā iegūst no neta, tiks arvien vairāk dezinformēts. Kā nekā netā esošo informāciju ir krietni vieglāk falsificēt.