Viens no Amerikas monstriem AOL ir paziņojis, ka pērk jauniešu sociālo tīklu Bebo par $850 miljoniem.
Līdz ar to arī maina savu biznesa stratēģiju.
AOL will get Bebo’s 40 million members and 80 million unique users, its core 13-to-24 demographic and a growing line in both original TV production and hosting broadcasters’ content. This comes as AOL completes its transition from an access business to an ad-funded content and community player.
Bebo atšifrējums.
Bebo, which stands for “blog early, blog often,” has a total worldwide membership of more than 40 million and is the third-biggest social networking site in the United States, according to AOL. It is ranked No. 1 in Ireland and New Zealand.
Interesanta doma pazibēja iekš CNN Money raksta.
It’s unclear what the deal signals about the future direction of AOL, which many investors believe Time Warner may sell or spin off. The transaction may put to rest rumors that AOL is pursuing a deal with Yahoo Inc. (YHOO), which is looking for an alternative to a takeover by Microsoft Corp. (MSFT).
An acquisition of Bebo puts AOL into the hot business of social networking. But while Bebo is very popular in the U.K. and other markets, it remains far behind MySpace and Facebook in both buzz and size of its user base in most of the world.
Pasaulē lielie spēlētāji uzskata, ka nauda jātaisa ar trafiku un trafiks ir sociālajos tīklos.