X-Setup Pro 6.6 Final

Kaut kad pirms diviem gadiem rakstīju par Windows pieslīpēšanu jeb žargonā tvīkošanu un biju sametis visādas norādes un citas lietas uz pamācībām un programmiņām, kas palīdzēs šajā nodarbē. Toreiz vēl sēdēju uz vājas kastītes P200mmx un tikai sapņoju par kaut ko spēcīgāku, lai tur varētu uzlikt Windows XP. Heh, nopirku jaunu kompi, uzliku XP, paspēlējos un konstatēju, ka jaunās fīčas neatsver tos jaunos bugus, kas nāca komplektā, bet ne par to ir stāsts.

Vienai no pieminētām programmām ir iznākusi jauna versija X-Setup Pro 6.6 Final 4 664KiB. Programma ir bezmaksas tikai mājas lietotājiem. Man šķiet, ka ļoti spēcīga programma, lai gan ar tjūnošanu īpaši neaizraujos. Kā toreiz uzliku 2k tā vēl līdz šai dienai lietoju un nesūdzos.

X-Setup Pro Version 6.6
– FIX: Fixed different color of configuration area when using Windows XP with themes applied in Options dialog
– ALL: Updated Development Tool from Delphi 6.0 to Delphi 7.0
– PLUGINS: Added “Virtual Paranoia” as new folder in X-Setup Classic. This folder lists all error reporting, GUID sending, hijackers places and other “behind your back” stuff
– SETUP: The cache files for plug-ins and wizards will now be delete on install so XSP is forced to rebuild them on first startup
– ENGINE: Changed SePrivilegeXXX handling so an error message (localized) is now displayed if aquiring a privilege does not work
– SETUP: Old Borland 6.0 VCL and RTL BPL files will be delete on install since XSP now uses the 7.0 version of these files
– UPD: Removed HTTPGet and replaced with HTTP component from Indy Project (Version 9.0)
– UPD: Fixed “cut off” status line
– UPD: Added more status messages about the download process that will be written to log file
– OPTIONS: Removed current option tab
– ENGINE: Changed log file handling – logfile will now only be created or written if there is actually something to log and not on every startup of XSP
– UPD: Added HTTP Proxy support
– ENGINE: Layed foundation for support for HKCU Registry Redirection to HKLM
– OPTIONS: Totally changed XSP options handling from external COM Server (dcXSPGlobalSrv.exe) to internal COM DLL (dcXSPSettings.dll)
– ALL: Changed resulted in 4 MB memory saving when running XSP
– ALL: Since the new DLL does not trigger the SCM of COM which takes some time, XSP start up has been accelerated
– OPTIONS: Changed options are now directly saved to the registry as a change happens
– OPTIONS: Created new registry value “Item Info PoP” to allow inter-application item exchange (PoP=Push Or Pop)
– COMPREG: Added addtional error messages (localized) when registering a COM DLL does not work
– SETUP: Old dcXSPGlobalSrv.exe will be deleted on install since it’s no longer needed from now on
– OPTIONS: Moved favorites from favorites.ini to registry path “Favorites” so installing a new version of XSP will not overwrite your favorites. Thanks to john godfrey for the idea.
– OPTIONS: If no favorites are found, favorites.cfg will be used as a template and the entries will be written to the registry
– OPTIONS: Moved programs from tools.ini to registry path “Tools” so installing a new version of XSP will not overwrite your defined programs
– OPTIONS: If no programs are found, tools.cfg will be used as a template and the entries will be written to the registry
– OPTIONS: For those that are interested, “lwx” means “Last Write indeX”
– OPTIONS: Made several changes to reflect the changes with the new settings options
– MISC: XSP will now set all windows of itself to x=10/y=10 on the screen if no window position is found in the registry. This will stop the “XSP appears anywhere on screen” problem
– UI: Changed the default cursor inside the tree view to a normal mouse pointer. The cursor will now only change when actually hovering over an item. Thanks to squeeky!
– START: Updated Start.exe to check for XSPSettings object instead of XSPGlobalSrv
– ENGINE: Implemented function to redirect HKEY_CURRENT_USER changes to a different user than the logged on (“Load user registry…” in UI)
– ENGINE: Implemented a window where all users of the current machine can be easily selected instead of always browsing to the NTUSER.DAT file
– ENGINE: Each time registry loading is activated or deactivated this will be noted to the lofile if logfile level is 2 or higher
– ENGINE: Updated some of the logfile messages
– UPD: Failed to implement the HTTP/407 Proxy Authentication used by some proxys (e.g. Proxy+). No idea what the problem is.
– ENGINE: Removed some references to “dotec” inside the text strings
– ENGINE: Removed Restart/Logoff commands from Options and moved it to plug-in object (internal change only, no plug-in changes needed)
– ENGINE: Implemented new read-only options that will tell if the last registry write function was applied to HKCU, HKLM or both
– UI: Added a new indicator to the status bar which will show to which registry path the last change has been applied. Usr = HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Sys = HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
– UI: If a user or computer registry file is loaded, XSP will now show in its title bar
– UI: A startup check will be performed if either a user registry or computer registry is still loaded and XSP will try to unload this automatically
– ALPHA 2:
– ENGINE: Own user account will no longer be shown in “Load user registry file” (thanks to CptSiskoX)
– ENGINE: If loading of one file for “Load computer registry files” will fail, the other file will be automatically unloaded
– MISC: Finished BartPE Enabler application (dcXSPBPEEnabler.exe). With this application it’s possible to allow X-Setup Pro to be used from within BartPE. Finally a bootable CD with full X-Setup Pro support. Thanks to rthsw and Jager-Bomb for the idea!
– ALPHA 3:
– FIX: Fixed team window to be readable again by replacing component (thanks to CptSiskoX)
– MISC: Finished BartPE Support to read now all settings from system.cfg
– START: Added BartPE Enabler in start.exe
– MISC: Added registry flag to BartPE plug-in:
“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREXteq SystemsX-Setup ProCurrentVersionBartPE Active” (REG_SZ)
– UI: UI will now display a warning text when it detects that it is running on a BartPE created CD-ROM and urge the user to use the “Load computer/user registry file” commands
– START: Start will now automatically start the Classic UI when it detects that BartPE is active
– UI: When BartPE is active, UI will not display the Tip Of The Day window
– Beta 1:
– MISC: Renamed “plug-in/s” into “plugins”
– MISC: Fixed window size error within BartPE Enabler if small fonts are activated
– HELP: Added new features to description inside helpfile
– Beta 2:
– FIX: Fixed bug when reading REG_MULTI_SZ values that contains zero length strings
– FIX: Fixed reading the wrong NTUser.dat file when using the “Load user registry” function. Thanks to roman!
– ENGINE: Enabled help buttons inside “Load user registry” and “Load computer registry”
– Final:
– Added several Windows XP SP2 plugins

22 thoughts on “X-Setup Pro 6.6 Final

  1. koko

    Tjiūnings paliek tjūnings… Nu reizēm patīk paspēlēties… Kaut gan tagad mana kaste atļauj lietot pilnīgi defaulto konfigu un vēl uztjūnētos stilus, bet nu sanāk tā, ka pat startup progas slinkums noņemt – viss taskbars aizd*****, kur nu vēl desktopu tīrīt – ik pa kādam mēnesim šo to izmetu un viss (un tas pac format rezultātā)… Šā vai tā – galu galā viss noved pie defaultās konfigurācijas un klasiskajiem logiem!!!

  2. gusc

    es atkla saakumā patecīgi lietoju Win98, kas bija viegls un patīkams un baidījos no XP masīvās "čupas", bet tad uzinstalēju un iepatikās, pie tam darbā ilgu laiku lietoju Win2k, jo licensets bija (nācās) un man tā iesēdās aknās, ka Win2k nav multilietotāju vide – kā aizeju no kompja atnāk kolēģis ielogojās un mans darbas TUTUU! bet tas jau katram pēc vajadzībām, jo winXP=win2k.1 🙂

  3. e-remit

    coolynx, kas C4 mājas lapas testā domāts ar jautājumu:

    5. Kas ir kikibaits ?

    Speciāli kļūda, vai arī domāc, ka uz to nevar pareizi atbildēt?

  4. Ed

    jaa Gustam taisniiba! vieniigais iemesls kaadeelj tieshaam ir veertc lietot teletuubiju logus ir multiuser iespeeja (kas linuxaa jau ir no taa laika gala) visas paareejaas vinja iespeejas tikai noslogo RAMu un apeed HDD vietu! jaa uzreiz buus taadi kas teiks – vinsh tak aatraaks, stabilaags! tiem es gribeetu pateikt ka nifiga! vinsh tikai iestarteejaas saakumaa aatraak bet palieto normaali (instalee/atinstalee programmas atstaaj naktiis iesleegtu utt) redzeesi kaa tas kjeems saaks vilkties un kaarties!!!!!1

  5. Aiks

    Nu nezinu kaa citiem bet man Win XP stav jau gandriz gadu un laikaa tiek sleegts varbuut meenesii reizi un gan dazaadi softi un games ir pieinstaleetas un nekas nekaras un nevelkas.

  6. Spameris

    iestarteejaas saakumaa aatraak bet palieto normaali (instalee/atinstalee programmas atstaaj naktiis iesleegtu utt) redzeesi kaa tas kjeems saaks vilkties un kaarties!!!!

    ja runa iet par w98 tad tev taisniiba, ja pa w2k vai xp ta tas jau nu ir atkariigs no katra roku liikuma. Vecais striids par kaadas OS krutumu un tupumu ir bezjeedziigs laika pateerinjsh. Kaartiigi paseezhot un piedomaajot pie savaam darbiibaam gandriiz jebkuru OS var novest liidz normaalai darbiibai.

  7. Kirils

    jaa. shaj progai patiesi viss balstaas uz plaginiem.

    coolynx, kas C4 mājas lapas testā domāts ar jautājumu:

    hehe. me to testu "advanced" liimenii izgaaja uz max ar pirmo
    ja kaac te teica, ka shii progra uz win9x PALEENINA taa darbiibu [mosh es paarpratu] – nav taisniiba.
    es ar shiis progas paliidziibu esmu palaidis ar minimaalu lagu gta3 uz sava 350Mhz PII 😀

  8. KSB

    Ņā X-Setup vienmēr ir bijis laps twiikeris, lietoju jau dikti sen un ir OK.
    Kirils: Kurš tev tajā C4 testā skaitās advanced līmenis? Tur tagad tikai iesācēju un vidējais līmenis 😉

  9. Madars

    Es piemēram esmu uztaisījis NSIS setupiņu, kas automātiski samet visus lietotos twiikus reģistrā, paeditē konfigurācijas failus, uzliek citu memory manager DOSam, ko laižu katru reizi pēc reinstalla. Būs jaāpskatās, ko labu var piemest klāt no jaunās versijas.
    2 Kirils: es ar shiis progas paliidziibu esmu palaidis ar minimaalu lagu gta3 uz sava 350Mhz PII 😀
    Kas īsti būtu minimāls lags? man piemēram uz Athlon XP 1700+, 128 MB RAM, dažkār lago ātri braucot cauri visai pilsētai.

  10. Ivchikx

    He he… =) Es ar to testu nokārtoju! =) Vidējo līmeni uz 9… =) Labais! =) Derēja kaut ko tādu uztaisīt plašākā līmenī… =)


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