Twitter ar Google ir vienojušies, ka tagad visi tvīti tiks automātiski rādīti Googles meklēšanas rezultātos.
In the first half of this year, tweets will start to be visible in Google’s search results as soon as they’re posted, thanks to a deal giving the Web company access to Twitter’s firehose, the stream of data generated by the microblogging service’s 284 million users, people with knowledge of the matter said Wednesday. Google previously had to crawl Twitter’s site for the information, which will now come automatically from Twitter.
Jebkuram darījumam starp diviem komercuzņēmumiem apakšā ir nauda. Arī šis darījums nav izņēmums.
There’s no advertising revenue involved in the deal between Twitter and Google, one of the people said. That suggests Twitter will receive data-licensing revenue, which was $41 million in the third quarter, up from $16 million a year earlier.
Nolēmu notestēt, lai redzētu kā strādā un ierakstīju savu vakardienas ierakstu par bīstamo trojānu, kas tiek izplatīts caur e-pastu. Tā izskatās rezultāts.
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