Mani sajūsmināja ziņa par to, ka Amerikas prezidents Obama ir kļuvis par pirmo prezidentu, kas kaut ko ir uzprogrammējis.
Earlier today, to help kick-off the annual Computer Science Education Week, Obama became the first president ever to write a computer program. It was a very simple program—all it does is draw a square on a screen—but that’s the point, says Hadi Partovi, co-founder, an organization that promotes computer science education. “All programming starts simple,” he says. “No one starts by creating a complicated game.”
Tas ir no tās pašas sērijas kā Igaunijas prezidents prezentē e-rezidenta apliecību, kas ļaus jebkuram kļūt par Igaunijas biznesa sastāvdaļu un elektroniski vadīt uzņēmumu Igaunijā.
Man šķiet forši tas, ka prezidents šādā veidā ar darbiem apstiprina savus vārdu.
Last year, Obama delivered a YouTube speech last year to promote Computer Science Education Week, but didn’t write any code himself. “Learning these skills isn’t just important for your future. It’s important for our country’s future,” the president said in the video. “If we want America to stay on the cutting edge, we need young Americans like you to master the tools and technology that will change the way we do just about everything.”
Stilīgāk, gan bija kā vakar Obama piedalījās Colbert report un mazliet iejokoja pats par savu Obama care, bet arīšis ir labais.