Skype aplikācija uz iPad

Tagad no tā lielā kluča iPad varēs arī normāli pazvanīt, jo beidzot arī pensionāru telefonā ir pieejama native Skype aplikācija.

While Skype has long been available on the iPhone, iPad users have had to make do with using the iPhone version in super-sized mode. On Tuesday, though, Skype at long last released an iPad-native version of its VoIP client in the App Store.

iPad Skype aplikācijai ir arī savi ierobežojumi un ar to nevarēs tik brīvi darboties kā ar parasto datorprogrammu.

The app presents a thumbnail grid of your Skype contacts; tap on any of them to bring up a look at their profile, along with options for voice calling, video calling, chat, and—if it’s an actual phone number—SMS. Skype allows you to access your contacts via “Tags,” (think groups) but doesn’t allow you to actually assign contacts into those categories on the iPad app—you need to use the desktop program for that. You can also add new contacts, or even just dial any phone number you like via a standard keypad.

Bet galvenais, ka būs emociju atbalsts.

The app lets you make calls over Wi-Fi or 3G though, of course, you’ll need a Skype account as well as some credit if you want to make calls to actual phones. Video calls let you switch back and forth between the iPad 2’s front and rear cameras. If you’re using an original iPad, you’ll obviously only be able to receive video. And there’s support for instant messaging via Skype, including emoticons.

Nolādēt var AppStorā. Es joprojām spēlējos ar darba pirmo iPad, jo gaidu, kad būs iPad 3, kuru, tad arī visticamāk, ka pirkšu. 😉

6 thoughts on “Skype aplikācija uz iPad

  1. angelz

    hmm, izklausās jau jauki. Interesanti tik kā tur video strādā. Uz Iphone4 man vismaz neizdevās atrast kā var redzēt to, kam zvanu, ja es pirmais piezvanu ar video. Bet varbūt es vnk nemāku atrast.

    Bet to trešo ipadu tu vari arī man uzdāvināt 😉


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