Blogoscoped ziņo, ka ex-Googles darbinieki ir izveidojuši jaunu protokolu – SUP jeb Simple Update Protocol.
SUP stands for Simple Update Protocol (officially, anyway, though it’s perhaps an acronym or backronym for “what’s up” aka “’sup”). It’s a JSON-based meta format for RSS/ Atom feeds useful for websites that deliver a large number of feeds, like a blogging platform, so that services subscribing to that site’s RSS feeds only need to download a single file to check for updates, and then download the other individual feeds as needed. SUP was invented by the ex-Google employees Paul Buchheit and Gary Burd of (recently redesigned) social feed aggregator Friendfeed. There is no official documentation at the moment outside of the Python source.
Ģeniāls un tajā pašā laikā loģisks solis. Sīkāk par to izstrādātāja bloga paziņojumā.
SUP (Simple Update Protocol) is a simple and compact “ping feed” that web services can produce in order to alert the consumers of their feeds when a feed has been updated. This reduces update latency and improves efficiency by eliminating the need for frequent polling.
Redzot to cik aktīvi manas lapas RSS barotnes bombardē dažāda veida lasītāji, domāju, ka šis jaunais meistardarbs varētu kļūt populārs.
Hmm, ex-Googles, vai tomēr ex-darbinieki?
Man pielipa tajā blogā rakstītais ex-Googles darbinieki. Kāpēc gan ne?
Neesmu valodnieks, taču ex man saistās ar kaut ko izbijušu. Ņemot vērā, ka Google nekur nav pazudusi…
Nu kā – viņi bij darbinieki tajā gūglē, kas bija agrāk. A tagadējā gūglē jamie nestrādā 😀