Lieliska intervija ar Google logotipa veidotāju Ruth Kedar.
I was teaching design at Stanford University in 1999 when I was introduced to Larry Page and Sergei Brin by a mutual friend at Stanford. They were looking at designers to design their logo and website and I was asked to present them with some preliminary design ideas. They liked my approach and design style and I was hired to design both.
Kaut kad biju redzējis vienu video (varbūt televīzijā, neatceros) vienu džekiņu, kas veidoja tos Google svētku logotipus. Nezinu kāpēc biju ieņēmis savā galvā, ka viņš ir arī tas kurš veidoja šo pirmo Google logo.
Diemžēl intervijā nebūs redzamas logotipa tapšanas fāzes. 😉