WinRAR 3.40

WinRARIr iznākusi jauna WinRAR 3.40 1 140KiB versija. Izmaiņu saraksts ir diezgan garš.

No būtiskākiem gribētos izcelt dažus jaunumus. Klāt ir nācis unix arhīvu (.Z failu) atbalsts, kas nodrošinās līdzīgu darbu kā to dara Gzip un Bzip2 arhivatori, kas atver arhīvus vienā piegājienā. Tāpat ir pievienots 7-zip formāta atbalsts. Arī Rarsoft vīri ir sākuši piedomāt par lietotāju aizsardzību un to, ko viņi pako vaļā. Te ir runa par populārākajiem vīrusiem (.pif, .scr, .exe), kas klejo pa e-pastiem sapakoti ar RAR arhivatoru. Tikai vēl nezinu kā tas izskatās dabā.

Version 3.40

1. “Fastest” (-m1) RAR compression method has been modified to provide much higher compression speed and lower ratio. It may be useful for tasks requiring the high speed like regular backups.
You may increase “Fastest” speed even more selecting 64KB compression dictionary instead of default 4MB.

2. WinRAR is able to decompress archives created by Unix ‘compress’ tool (.Z files). Like GZIP and BZIP2 archives, WinRAR opens tar.Z and .taz files in one step, so users do not need to unpack .tar manually.
3. WinRAR is able to decompress archives created by 7-Zip (.7z files). “Find” command is not supported for this archive type.
4. New “Security” dialog in WinRAR settings:
a) “File types to exclude from extracting” option to prevent extracting of potentially dangerous files like .exe, .scr and .pif;
b) “Propose to select virus scanner” option modifies behavior of “Scan archive for viruses” command. You may turn it off if you wish to skip the virus scanner selection dialog.
5. New command line switch -ep3 allows to save and restore full file paths including the drive letter.
WinRAR shell equivalent of -ep3 switch are options “Store full paths including drive letter” in “Files/File paths” page of archiving dialog and “Extract absolute paths” in “Advanced/File paths” page of extracting dialog.
6. You may select and compress disks directly in “My Computer” view in WinRAR shell. Just choose “My Computer” in WinRAR address bar, select disks to compress and press “Add”. If you selected more than one item, WinRAR will automatically set “Store full paths including drive letter” archiving mode.
7. If you selected several disks in Windows Explorer “My Computer” view and started archiving from context menu, WinRAR will automatically set “Store full paths including drive letter” mode when compressing them.
8. New command line switch -oc to restore NTFS “Compressed” attribute when extracting files. RAR always saves “Compressed” attribute when creating an archive, but does not restore it unless -oc switch has been specified.
WinRAR shell equivalent of -oc switch is “Set attribute Compressed” option in “Advanced” part of extracting dialog.
9. Starting from this version RAR volumes contain the volume number field.
If archive was created by WinRAR 3.40 or newer, you may view the volume number in the top line of “Info” dialog and in the address bar.
In the command line mode the volume number is displayed by ‘L’ and ‘V’ commands in the line with the total volume information.
This feature may be useful if original volume names are lost and you need to rename volumes to correct names.
10. Commands ‘L’ and ‘V’ display NTFS “Compressed” attribute in archive listing.
11. Switch -ag may include an optional text enclosed in ‘{‘ and ‘}’ characters. This text is inserted into archive name. For example: -agHH{hours}MM{minutes}
Same feature is supported in “Generate archive name by mask” field of WinRAR archiving dialog.
12. If switch -ac is specified, RAR will not reset “Archive” attribute of those files, which size or modification time was changed after starting the archiving operation.
So files modified after placing them to archive and before clearing “Archive” attribute, will be included to next incremental backup. The same is true for WinRAR “Clear attribute “Archive” after compressing” GUI option.
13. If you use “Add to favorites” command inside of archive subfolder, WinRAR will save the subfolder and restore it when accessing to this favorite item. Previous versions were able to restore only the root archive folder.
14. When editing archived files, WinRAR proposes to update them immediately after detecting that file was changed. Previous versions waited until an external editor terminates before updating a changed file.
15. If you drop an archive to WinRAR address bar or toolbar, WinRAR will display its contents even if other archive is opened now. Previous versions proposed to add a dropped archive to browsing one.
You may still drop an archive to WinRAR file list if you need to add it to browsing archive.
16. Corrected processing of corrupt LZH archives to exclude a possible crash when reading corrupt LZH file headers.
17. RAR and WinRAR display the operation progress while repairing an archive containing the recovery record.

36 thoughts on “WinRAR 3.40

  1. daysleeper

    shis nu ir pats labaakais. zipus arii ver valjaa un tad ir viss ko vajag. unisex taa teikt 🙂 nu ko njemam liekam meeginat, cik nu vinsh tagad aatraaks, jaskataas.

  2. bubu

    bz2 un gzip jau šis tak labu laiku atbalsta! Tas nav tikai tagad nācis klāt! Un tas jau arī te rakstīts:
    Like GZIP and BZIP2 archives, WinRAR opens tar.Z and .taz files in one step, so users do not need to unpack .tar manually.
    Tagad tikai .Z failu atbalsts klāt nācis, cik saprotu.

  3. Despacho

    nu ja jāmaksā oficiālai vietai par licenzēto programmatūru, tad jau winrar izdevīgāk ņemt, jo atbalsta arī zip , bet kā lielākajai daļai jūzeru nav licenzēta programmatūra, tad visi liek winzip un winrar…

  4. Neonz

    un vel

    2. WinRAR is able to decompress archives created by Unix ‘compress’ tool (.Z files). Like GZIP and BZIP2 archives, WinRAR opens tar.Z and .taz files in one step, so users do not need to unpack .tar manually.

    Klāt ir nācis ‘compress’ (.Z) failu atbalsts, nevis GZIP un BZIP2. Šamie abi tika atbalstīti jau pirmstam.

  5. Despacho

    godīgi sakot neredzu jēgu pāriet un kaut kādu 3.4 versiju utt. joprojām lietoju 3.0 un viss š moš neesmu updeitojis tā iemesla dēļ, ka īpaši bieži viņu lietot nenākas…

  6. HIGH-Zen

    Fails rarreg.key:

    RAR registration data
    Kevin Cook
    Single PC usage license
    6412212250622a2347 785b1c71e02c5d08eefd1cf6e1433e59ab51
    e1cb45d ef222694d84346035c6ab9048e2c5c62f0238f183d285 19
    aa87488bf38f5b634cf28190bdf438ac593b1857c db55a7fcb0eb0
    c3e4c2736090b3dfa45384e08e9de0 5c5860b016b8756c0410b0f6
    5e0ae3a075809b5aa1a 9224694c245cbf4fec424d610894b8fee47
    74e1d9ed 7902c313e3c23700d26509dcf78770c1ff9b46db60b80 7
    b61cbcdd3c2b295d073f00aea1141ba558c6d0de43 6b3131696735

    Tā kā šis key ir melnajā sarakstaa, tad ar jebkuru hex redaktoru (hiew) atrodi winrar.exe un rar.exe failos simbolu rindu 6412212250622a23 un saraksti vinu vietā teiksim nulles. Tas arī viss.

  7. HIGH-Zen

    2 Spameris
    Nu kautkādām pirmajām WinRAR 3.40 beta versijām šis key vēl der tāpat, bet jebkurš key, kas iziet tautās agri vai vēlu nokļūst melnajā sarakstā. Šis es domāju ir vienkāršākais variants- uztaisam rarreg.key ar augstāk redzamo saturu, labot rar.exe un winrar.exe var ar jebkuru hex editoru – hiew, winhex, hex workshop u.c.. Kreku taisīt nav jēgas – katrai jaunai versijai jātaisa jauns. Un tāda fīča kā Authenticity Verification nedarbosies nevienam krekam.

  8. karuuzo

    Es nesaprotu, ko cilvēki satraucas par zālēm. Man stāv WinRAR 3.3 (evaluation copy) jau vairāk kā pus gadu un vienīgā neērtība ir lodziņš, kurā paskaidrots, ka beidzies 40 dienu trial period. Ja laiž no context menu vai no Total Commander, tad vispār nav nekādi paziņojumi.
    PS. Pēdējo reizi WinRAR galveno logu es atvēru nejauši velkot RARu, biju uzlicis nevis Save to disk, bet Open. Nu labi, vēl šodien, lai vēlreiz pārbaudītu, ka man ir evaluation copy.

  9. nunu

    Fails rarreg.key:
    RAR registration data
    Kevin Cook
    Single PC usage license
    6412212250622a2347 785b1c71e02c5d08eefd1cf6e1433e59ab51
    e1cb45d ef222694d84346035c6ab9048e2c5c62f0238f183d285 19
    aa87488bf38f5b634cf28190bdf438ac593b1857c db55a7fcb0eb0
    c3e4c2736090b3dfa45384e08e9de0 5c5860b016b8756c0410b0f6
    5e0ae3a075809b5aa1a 9224694c245cbf4fec424d610894b8fee47
    74e1d9ed 7902c313e3c23700d26509dcf78770c1ff9b46db60b80 7
    b61cbcdd3c2b295d073f00aea1141ba558c6d0de43 6b3131696735
    Tā kā šis key ir melnajā sarakstaa, tad ar jebkuru hex redaktoru (hiew) atrodi winrar.exe un rar.exe failos simbolu rindu 6412212250622a23 un saraksti vinu vietā teiksim nulles. Tas arī viss.
    Veicot mineetaas darbiibas, tas Trial periods vienalga nekur nepazuda… 🙁

  10. KaaKuruReizi

    Skatos, ka vīriem joprojām ir problēmas ar FINAL versiju.- Nu tad visi draudzīgi iet uz manu lapu un lasa vakardienas rakstu (par WinRAR)

  11. japets

    man jau domaat, ka likt crack/patch/mekleet serial prieksh programmaam, kuras kaa vieniigo neertiibu raada vienu lodzinju starteejoties ir augstaakaa meera izvirtiiba.. (piemeeram, total commander, winrar, editplus, …)
    Un jaunas versijas ir veerts likt taadeelj, ka crackeri parasti savus razhojumus sapako ar jaunaako versiju, bet rar bij iipashiiba, ka ar vecaakaam programmas versijaam jaunaakas programmas arhiivus gruuti atveert..
    var jau buut, ka kljuudos.

  12. Guncha

    Man kautkā galīgi neiet pie sirds tas, ka ir aizsardzība pret vīrusiem. Programma paliek smagāka un nāk klāt rīki, kas nav ievērības cienīgi.

  13. HIGH-Zen

    2 nunu
    keyfailam starp cipariem ir iezagušās atstarpes, kas originālajam key nav, kad tās izvāksi, tad arī viss iedarbosies 😉

  14. HIGH-Zen

    2 japets

    programmaam, kuras kaa vieniigo neertiibu raada vienu lodzinju starteejoties ir augstaakaa meera izvirtiiba..

    Nu ja tu to programmu izmanto ļoti bieži un visu laiku redzi mazu jauku lodziņu,tad tas pamazām sāk sist massā. Es piemēram vēlos ar programmu strādāt, nevis priecāties par lodziņu.

  15. jevga

    es delphos uztaisīju mazu progiņu, kurā var ievadīt "nevēlamos" lodziņu nosaukumus, un tā paklausīgi aizver "nelabos" evaluation un citus lodziņus, man pat nepamanot, ka tie parādās.
    "eļementarno i prosto, vatson".

  16. HIGH-Zen

    A es assemblerā uztaisīju mazu progiņu, kurā nekas nav jāievada, bet kura pati atrod "nevēlamo" lodziņu programmu un kura vienreiz un uz visiem laikiem novērš visas reģistrācijas un lodziņus. :))
    Bet tas ko dara tava proga, to jau sen dara InqSoft Sign 0f Misery


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