LongT informēja par jaunu e-pasta klienta The Bat! v2.01 3 128KiB versiju.
Viena no vietām, kur atrast lauzni priekš dotās versijas ir netz.ru. Preses relīze ar izmaiņu sarakstu ir atrodama oficiālajā The Bat! mājas lapā.
[ Legend: ]
[ + Added feature ]
[ * Improved/changed feature ]
[ – Bug fixed (we hope) ][+] More Anti-spam options: mark as read when moved to the Junk folder, move messages to the Junk folder when marked as junk, possibility to use the common Junk folder
[+] Support for CAcert root certificates
[+] GnuPG passphrase caching. The user now can select from various signing keys available.
[+] Support for Microsoft Office Keyboard commands
[+] Address Picker: it is now possible to add addresses manually (not from Address Books)
[+] Possibility to set the order of actions of a scheduled event
[+] Possibility to control execution based on exit code of a program started by a scheduled action
[*] IMAP implementation should be less memory greedy now
[*] Advanced button is removed from the Mail Management page of the account properties dialogue – new pages are added instead
[*] Updates to multi-language interface
[*] New nicer logo
[*] PGP key for office@ritlabs.com is included in the default keyring.
[-] AV when a folder was deleted from the IMAP folder manager
[-] IMAP: Possible problems with large literals should be avoided
[-] Fixed regexp matching of empty strings.
[-] IMAP option to fetch message structures is finally working
[-] Message header was not translatable
[-] It wasn’t possible to sign keys using auxiliary IDs of GnuPG keys.
[-] Fixed an AV when trying to generate a certificate in a newly-created address entry.
coolynx tev kaa ar programmeeshanas industriju saistiitam cilveekam ir nekorekti noraadiit linkus uz programmu lauzhnjiem ! NEsmuki ka apzogam savus koleegjus 🙁
Nu vaitad napaga lietotaaji ir vainiigi ka programmers nav uztaisijis demo versiju? :)) Gripas tach palureet uz to vinju putninju.
Bat’am ir gan demo versija.
Programmeetaaj, ja coolynx to nepieminētu rakstā, tad kāds gudrītis to noteikti paprasīju te. 😉
Priecājieties, ka vispār ir! Eh ko nu…
Mani the_bat neiespaido pašlaik…
Kāds zinātājs varbūt varētu pastāstīt kā tur īsti ir ar to TheBat! spamfiltru ?
jaalieto thunderbird. spam filtrs vienkaarshi ideaals. viss cits arii.
prieksh the bat! vislabaakais (manupraat) ir BayesIt! 0.4gm filtrs http://klirik.narod.ru/usefuls/bayesit.htm nofiltree ~99.9% spamu, ja spama datubaaze ir pietiekami liela (~100 maili) + iespeeja apmaaciit filtru
P.S jautaajums spechukiem…
softu licencees ir rakstiits, ka nedriikt modificeet programmu (palaizhot crack vai patch softs skaitaas modificeets), bet, ja es piem. regjistraa sho to palaboju, tas ir paarkaapums vai nee?
Mozz kaadam noder! 🙂
ar ko shitas te atskiras no the bat 1.6 ? tikai kaut kaadi vizuaali siikumi, vai arii 2 versijaa ir kaadas nopietnaakas izmainjas?
labs, man patīk jaunais. hm, tik nezināju, ka krievu (jeb citi?) keksi taisa šito brīnumu
barabass. neesmu specuks,bet registrs ir windozes, nevis kada softa.
jau nau vairs tur kraks