WinSCP v3.3 build 177

Diezgan sen nebiju testējis jaunās WinSCP versijas. Šobrīd jūtu, ka ir pārgājusi tā škrobe no WinSCP v3.0.0 Beta (build 159) versijas, kas bija pārāk gļukaina, lai to lietotu.

Bet nu ir iznākusi jauna versija kuru nolēmu notestēt WinSCP v3.3 776KiB. Pagaidām sāpīgākie *momenti* izskatās salāpīti. Redzēs, kas būs tālāk. Vienkārši šī ir programma kuru es izmantoju ikdienā darbā, jo visur pārsvarā failu pārraide notiek tikai caur SSH protokolu.

Šajā versijā joprojām diemžēl nav izlabota iepriekš aprakstītā kļūda (skat. iepriekšējo versiju), kuras dēļ es nelietoju 3.x versiju. Tā kā es šo versiju neieteiktu lietot apstākļos, kur failus izmanto vairāki lietotāji ar grupām – būs problēmas.

Version 3.3 (#177) September 15th 2003

* Custom commands feature (SCP protocol only). In Preferences window, user may set up set of custom commands. Than it is possible to execute any of these commands for each of selected files. Exclamation mark (!) in command is replaced with name of file. There are two predefined commands: touch (touch “!”) and execute (“!”). To execute custom command use either main menu or remote file context menu.
* New option “Continue on error” (for advanced users only). When the option is on and error occures during batch operation (transfer, delete, set properties, etc.), the batch is not stopped. At the end of operation list of errors is displayed.
* For SCP protocol it is possible to define time zone difference between server and client. Using this information WinSCP is able to perform correct remote and local directory comparison.
* Check for updates feature. It connectes to WinSCP site and checks, if there is new version released. You may also run WinSCP with command line switch /Update.
* New option “Do not change local directory when switching sessions”. It preserves same local directory, when swithing between opened sessions (Norton Commander interface only).
* Current session settings can be exported to PuTTY and opened with this SSH terminal client (Ctrl-P).
* SSH core upgraded to current development snapshot of PuTTY (2003-09-12). It brings following changes:
o Bug fix: Error “Assertion failed: addr->family == AF_UNSPEC”, when using SOCKS5 proxy.
o Bug fix: Error “Unable to load private key”, when using key authentication.
o Several other bug fixes.
* Administrators may restrict saving password with stored sessions by settings registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMartin PrikrylWinSCP 2DisablePasswordStoring to dword:00000001.
* With SFTP protocol version 3 and older, program is able to ignore non-UNIX style directory listing (file owner/group name will not be detected).
* Animation displayed on progress windows for “set properties” operation.
* Menu “Commands” was split to “Commands” and “Files” in Norton Commander interface.
* Improved packet logging for SFTP.
* Bug fix: When a session had turned off option “Remember last used directory”, its opened local directory was not preserved, when switching between opened sessions.
* Bug fix: When overwrite confirmation was on and file upload failed, because of insufficient rights, overwrite confirmation dialog was shows instead of error message (SFTP only).
* Several other bug fixes.

14 thoughts on “WinSCP v3.3 build 177

  1. Pete

    Varbūt vajag pārdēvēt par Nu cik var malt par tiem kļūdu labojumiem. Un diez vai cien. Coolinxa failos ir kaut kas tik svarīgs, lai bez šifrēšanas nevarētu sūtīt caur netu ar kādu no parastiem FTP klientiem.

  2. coolynx

    Pete: peec teksta noprotu, ka nekad neesi lietojis neko vairaak par FTP. atljaushos nedaudz *paizgliitot* shajaa jautaajumaa.
    winscp ir vieniigais bezmaksas, pirms kaada laika arii principaa vieniigais, normaalais toolis ar kuru vareeja caur ssh ar grafisko interfeisu straadaat. tapeec arii taada interese.
    bez tam ftp speciaali uz servera neviens neliks dazhaadu apsveerumu deelj, bet SSH ir uz visiem unix/linux serveriem kaa nokluseetais protokols taapeec arii kaa FTP klients tiek izmantot winscp.
    par to malshanu runaajot, savas personiigaas probleemas vari risinaat citaa vietaa un zinaashanu truukumu attieciigajaa jautaajumaa nevajadzeetu kompenseet ar spamu.

  3. NewAge

    to e[X]p: nez kaa tad tu to vari zinaat, ka man nav kur sleegties? ko? vai tu domaa ka pats esi baigais nazis, tipa visu zini, un paareejiem nekaa nav un vinji neko nezina??

  4. NewAge

    nu piesleegties jau es ar varu, gan pie freebsd, gan pie redhat, bet taalaak veicot visaadas darbiibas, saak paraadiities visaadi mistiski errori

  5. Neonz

    nu varbūt tur ilgāk jāpastrādā, es nez… parasti jau slēdzos klāt lai uploadotu/downloadotu 1-2 failiņus… un ne ar kādiem gļukiem sastapies neesmu


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