Latvian Hawks – Īrijas latviešu hokeja komanda

Drīz mēs varēsim fanot ne tikai par Latvijas hokeja komandu, bet arī par īru letiņu komandu – Latvian Hawks, kas ir nodibināta Īrijas plašumos un spēlēs Īrijas līgā.

Republic of Ireland is ready to launch its own hockey league: 5 teams, a brand-new arena and much enthusiasm

The new league will consist of 5 teams.
Dublin Flyers
Dublin Rams
Dundalk Bulls
Latvian Hawks
Belfast Bruins

The final founding club is the Latvian Hawks which represents the ex-pat Latvian community here in Ireland. The League will be an all island one, indeed the “New Irish” are particularly welcome as many will bring a lifetime of experience to a sport that is still establishing itself here.

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8 thoughts on “Latvian Hawks – Īrijas latviešu hokeja komanda

  1. Atbalss: Latvian Hawks aizvada dramatisku pirmo līgas spēli » - Latvijas interneta pods

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