Hakeriem no Krievijas ir tavas paroles

Pēc nesenajiem pārdzīvojumiem ar caurumu OpenSSL kriptogrāfijas programmatūrā, kas ieguva nosaukumu Heartbleed Bug, The New York Times raksta par jaunām šausmām.

By July, criminals were able to collect 4.5 billion records — each a user name and password — though many overlapped. After sorting through the data, Hold Security found that 1.2 billion of those records were unique. Because people tend to use multiple emails, they filtered further and found that the criminals’ database included about 542 million unique email addresses.

Citiem vārdiem sakot – visticamāk, ka kāda no tavām parolēm tagad ir pie krievu hakeriem. Samierinies ar to un nomaini svarīgās paroles uz kaut ko citu.

Like many people, your first question is probably whether or not you were included in that dragnet. Hold Security, the Milwaukee-based security firm that uncovered the hack, says you can fork over $120 for an annual subscription to find out in the next 60 days if you were affected. The opportunistic move cast doubt on initial reports of the breach, but prominent cybersecurity experts have confirmed them to be accurate.

At this point, you should just assume you were hacked.

According to the security firm, the so-called CyberVor gang collected more than 4.5 billion records, and about 1.2 billion “appear to be unique.” There are about 2.9 billion Internet users worldwide, so considering the scope of the breach, chances are CyberVor has yours.

Es ticu, ka 2 faktoru autentifikācijai ir nākotne, jo visas paroļu glabātuves var uzlauzt. Nevar uzlauzt tikai tās, kas nav pieslēgtas pie tīkla. Es domāju elektrības. 😉

Uzskrēju rakstam iekš TechCrunch.

4 thoughts on “Hakeriem no Krievijas ir tavas paroles

  1. Andris K

    Iesaku šo palasīt – THE LIE BEHIND 1.2 BILLION STOLEN PASSWORDS http://www.youarenotpayingattention.com/2014/08/08/the-lie-behind-1-2-billion-stolen-passwords/

  2. TQ

    Drīzāk tā ir pamacība kā savai firmai uztaisīt labu reklāmu un pēc tam no pārbiedētajiem jūzeriem iekasēt $120 par “drošibas testu”.


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