Uztaisi Acid3 testu un piedalies konkursā

Līdz šim topā bija Acid2 tests, kas tika uzskatīts par etalonu, lai pārbaudītu vai modernie pārlūki tos atbalsta. Ja pirms dažiem gadiem tas bija tāds kā nākotnes mērķis uz kuru tiekties pārlūku izstrādātājiem, tad šobrīd tā jau ir vēsture, jo pat Microsoft vīri savu IE8 ir tik tālu aizvilkuši.


Hixie strādā pie Acid testa turpinājuma jeb Acid3 versijas. Bildē redzams Acid 3 testa rezultāts. Viņš savā lapā ir izsludinājis konkursu kurā piedāvā piedalīties jebkuram, kas spēs izpidlīt konkursa nosacījumus.

With Acid3, we are focusing on the dynamic side of the Web. I have a work in progress which consists of a few rendering tests and 84 subtests, little functions that test specific things from script. But I’d like to have a round 100. That’s where you come in. I’m announcing a competition to fill the last sixteen tests!

Konkurss ilgs vienu nedēļu, noteikumi zemāk.

Atšķirībā no iepriekšējiem Acid testiem, kas bija statiski un galvenokārt izmantoja CSS3 jaunākās iespējas, jaunais Acid3 būs jau dinamisks un izmantos arī Javascript funkcijas.

Šobrīd Acid3 nepabeigtais un nepilnīgais tests uz pēdējās Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9b3pre) Gecko/2008011305 Minefield/3.0b3pre versijas izskatās šādi.

Acid3 not finished Firefox 3

Konkursa noteikumi.

You have one week to submit one or more tests that fulfill all the following criteria:

  1. The test must consist of the body of a JavaScript function which returns 5 when the test passes, and which throws an exception otherwise. It doesn’t matter what kind of exception.
  2. The test must compile with no syntax errors in Firefox 2, IE 7, Opera 9.25, and Safari 3. (You can use eval() to test things that are related to syntax errors, though.)
  3. The test must not crash any of Firefox 2, IE 7, Opera 9.25, and Safari 3.
  4. The test must fail (throw an exception) in either a Firefox trunk build from January 2008 or a Webkit trunk build from January 2008 (or, ideally, both). (Opera and IE are failing plenty of tests already, I don’t want to add more tests that only fail in one of those. Of course if you find something that fails in Firefox or Webkit and Opera or IE, so much the better.)
  5. The behaviour expected by the test must be justifiable using only standards that were in the Candidate Recommendation stage or better in 2004. This includes JavaScript (ECMAScript 3), many W3C specs, RFCs, etc.
  6. You must be willing to put your test into the public domain. (I don’t want us to end up with any copyright problems later!)

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