Holivudas gigants Warner Brothers noslēdz līgumu ar BitTorrent par legālu maksas satura izplatīšanu šajā tīklā. Beidzot arī monstri ir sapratuši, ka nevar cīnīties ar jaunākajām tehnoloģijām un visus šo tehnoloģiju lietotājus saukt par raganām, t.i., par pirātiem.
BitTorrent continues its efforts to go legit. The company has just snagged a deal with Warner Brothers. The Hollywood giant, part of Time Warner (my employer) will use BitTorrent to distribute and sell Warner Brothers content online. It is first major studio to sign a deal with BitTorrent that has been working with the MPAA to go legit, and become a distribution channel for Hollywood content.