Microsoft Internet Explorer izstrādātāji savam lolojumam ir atvēruši kaut ko līdzīgu Bugzillai – Internet Explorer Feedback. Varbūt tas ir tikai tāds kā šovs un izrādīšanās, bet nu redzēsim. Diemžēl ne to pašu lapu sanāca apskatīties, jo negribējās reģistrēties, ne arī bildes, kas viņu lapā izliktas, jo tās neielādējās.
Many customers have asked us about having a better way to enter IE bugs. It is asked “Why don’t you have Bugzilla like Firefox or other groups do?” We haven’t always had a good answer except it is something that the IE team has never done before. After much discussion on the team, we’ve decided that people are right and that we should have a public way for people to give us feedback or make product suggestions.