Ir iznākusi jauna Total Commander 6.03 1 447KiB versija. Spriežot pēc informācijas, kas ir atrodama izstrādātāju lapā, izmaiņu nav pārāk daudz, bet autors silti iesaka uzlikt jauno versiju.
This upgrade corrects some problems, mainly with the new functions introduced with Total Commander 6.0.
It also corrects an incompatibility between the big file copy mode (in Configuration – Options – Copy/Delete) and certain Adaptec RAID5 controllers which can cause data corruption.
Update highly recommended!
Pilnīgāks izmaiņu saraksts ir atrodams nedaudz zemāk.
Starp citu, atslēdziņa no Siemens AG ir nobanota, bet jau ir pieejama jauna, kas it kā strādā bez problēmām. Pats vēl neesmu testējis un nemācēšu pateikt vai tā tiešām strādā.
Total Commander 6.03 tapšanas vēsture:
14.04.04 Release Total Commander 6.03 Final
08.04.04 Release Total Commander 6.03 RC1
08.04.04 Fixed: RAR32 not detected as 32-bit app if path contained environment variables
06.04.04 Fixed: Random errors in CRC check function
06.04.04 Fixed: French version: Changed translation of “Undo” from “Anuller” to “Défaire”
06.04.04 Fixed: Right click on file name in archive converted name to lowercase even if this option was disabled
06.04.04 Fixed: Search in lister for regular expressions not working behind a 0 byte
05.04.04 Fixed: Right click on [..] in 16-bit version only prevented the Explorer right click menu, but not TC’s internal one05.04.04 Release Total Commander 6.03 Beta 1
02.04.04 Fixed: The background transfer manager was no longer remembering the last speed limit
02.04.04 Fixed: Parallel port connection: Uploads of files <4k caused next operation to fail if the target file was read only
02.04.04 Fixed: Lister: Scrollbar thumb position wasn’t updated when switching between Ansi/Ascii/Variable mode (e.g. at the end of the document)
02.04.04 Added: Internal command cm_MoveOnly: always opens move to other window dialog
01.04.04 Fixed: FTP: When downloading a directory and the connection is lost, TC sometimes assumes to be still in the subdir
01.04.04 Fixed: RegEx search in Lister sometimes didn’t correctly detect line start (^ sign)
30.03.04 Added: wcx_ftp.ini, [General], UploadBlockSize= sets block size for uploads (in bytes). Default: 512
30.03.04 Fixed: Don’t replace \-> in RegEx searches (the RegEx library does this by itself)
30.03.04 Fixed: The line Allowed= to allow only certain drives wasn’t always enforced
30.03.04 Fixed: Right click on button in button bar shows command “cd dir_of_program”. This didn’t work for paths containing environment variables
30.03.04 Fixed: Don’t allow right click menu for [..] updir on Win9x/ME, it may cause a crash
29.03.04 Fixed: Data corruption with an Adaptec raid5 controller when copying with large file copy mode (due to unclear documentation of FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING)
29.03.04 Fixed: Inplace Rename: “select only name” wasn’t selecting the correct name part for double byte languages (Chinese, Japanese etc.)
29.03.04 Fixed: When re-packing a file to RAR archive after editing, the short DOS name was used if the file contained spaces
29.03.04 Fixed: Button bar: Wrong icon sizes with button size set to >32 and icons not loaded via LoadImage
29.03.04 Fixed: cm_UnloadPlugins: only unload lister plugins if no lister window is open to avoid crash
29.03.04 Fixed: Commands – Search didn’t correctly display the size of files > 4GB, also not after “Feed to Listbox”
29.03.04 Fixed: Files – Print file list with subdirs didn’t display file sizes > 4 GB correctly
29.03.04 Fixed: When downloading from FTP, illegal names like “test:1” were not converted to valid names when the files were in subdirs
29.03.04 Fixed: In configuration – color change, the >> button after “Cursor text” could be clicked even if the cursor text couldn’t be changed
29.03.04 Fixed: Wrong name display in brief view with long names turned off and aligned extensions
Es pirmais 😀 : me lieto šito
Biju palaidis garām 6.02, tagad par diviem soļiem aizlekšu līdzi laikam
es lietoju frigate ( iesaku!
Kāds zin kādu jau uzrakstītu tūli / skriptu, kas pārsauc ne tikai failus, bet arī direktorijus pie tam rekursīvi (failus un direktorijas iekš direktorijas, utt.)?
Ar TC kaut kā man tas nesanāk …
Zāles der arī iepriekšējās, tās, kas bija universālas priekš 6.0
nu kurš lieto TC… vai WC?
Nu kurš?
Lai arī… paši vainīgi ;D
uz linux arī nav kaut kas līdzīgs (x logos)?
Tuulis, kas paarsauc ne tikai failus, bet arii direktorijas ir "Ant file Renamer". Nezinu, vai tas speej rekursiivi to dariit
IMHO šis softs ir tā vērts, lai to nopirktu, ko arī taisos darīt!
FAR gan ir vairāk tā vērts, lai to nopirktu! 🙂
Vilx: pilniigi piekriitu, kaut kaa tacju ir jaasuporto labu produktu atiistiiba!
yeah, Frigate ir labaakais ko esmu redzeejis pa briivu,ir ko likt darbaa :))
Indrikji: Nu palaid no terminaalja mc! Kur trabls? 😀
kurmizz: Es biju domājis, ko grafiskāku (ja tā var teikt) par midnight commander. Laikam jau atradu apmēram tādu, kādu biju domājis – krusader.
indrikji: ja lieto KDE, tad vari pamēģināt konqueroram izvēlēties Settings -> Load View Profile -> Midnight Commander 😉
FARam lielaakais truukums ira tas, ka nava iebūvēto arhivātoru, bet tie tiek izsaukti no ārpuses!!!