Pirms kāda brīža parādījās jauna WinSCP beta versija. Šoreiz WinSCP v3.0.0 beta (build 159) 715KiB ir daži vērā ņemami jaunumi kurus pamanīju:
WinSCP tagad uztur SCP un no 3.0 versijas SFTP protokolus. Iesaku palasīt abu protokolu iespēju salīdzinājumu tabulu.
Joprojām nav Ir izlabots ļoti nepatīkams gļuks, kas tika atrasts WinSCP v2.3.0 (build 146) versijā. Kopējot kādu failu uz servera, kur jau atrodas fails ar identisku nosaukumu un tas ir citā grupā vai arī mums nav tiesības uz rakstīšanu, dialogā “pārrakstīt failu” izvēloties “Jā”, programma vienkārši nomira. Divatā ar vēl vienu lietotāju ņēmāmies pa forumu, bet viss veltī, jo autors vai nu nesaprata vai arī negribēja saprast problēmu. Kā rezultātā nācās lietot iepriekšējo versiju. Lai vai kā, bet tagad tāpat kā pirms tam WinSCP v2.2 (#122) versijā parādās kļūdas paziņojums un programma turpina strādāt, bet diemžēl ir nelietojama, jo parādās visādi dīvaini kļūdu paziņojumu.
Tā kā šī beta būtu ieteicama tikai lietpratējiem, kas palīdzēs dzenāt autoru pa forumu, lai izlabo šos gļukus.
Pamanīju vēl ātruma ierobežotāju.
Kā arī ir nākušas klāt divas komandas – Open un Edit (failiem). Atvērt html dokumentu man tā arī neizdevās (varbūt Mozilla Firebird nogļukoja), bet rediģēt izdevās. Programmā ir vienkāršs iekšējais editors, bet var arī nodefinēt ārējo.
Ja nu gadījumā kāds ir aizgulējies trolejbusā un nezin, kas ir WinSCP, tad vēl var paspēt pameklēt detalizētāku aprakstu arhīvā.
Version 3.0 beta (#158) June 26th 2003
* SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol) version 3 support. Compare with SCP.
* Transfer resume (SFTP only). By default WinSCP allows resume only for files greater than 10 kB. It would cause not appropriate slow down with smaller file. It is possible to change threshold in Preferences.
* Text file editor. By default internal editor is used, yet external editor can be configured instead. Internal editor features:
o Clipboard operations (copy, cut, paste, delete).
o Single undo.
o Find, replace, find/replace next.
o Go to line number.
* Remote file execution (file is downloaded to local temporary directory, executed/opened and uploaded back, when changed).
* “Add/edit link” command. For SCP, both symbolic links and hard links can be created. For SFTP, only symbolic links are supported. Symbolic links can be edited also. On local panel (Norton Commander interface only) command works with Windows shortcuts.
* Transfer speed limiter on transfer progress dialog.
* Improved loading of remote directory. Directories with very large number of files should load much faster.
* Slightly faster upload with SCP.
* When message (confirmation or error) pops up, while program is on background, taskbar icon flashes.
* Transfer mode (text, binary) and resume status shown transfer progress dialog.
* When “Remember last used directory” option is turned on, “Home directory” command opens real home directory, even when default directory is specified.
* Bug fix: Password was unintentionally saved with stored session, when “Remember last used directory” option was turned on.
* When you drag files from remote directory to local within application (Norton Commander interface only), files are downloaded directly to local directory.
* “Ignore” button on error confirmation dialogs replaced with more meaningful “Skip” button.
* Auto-completion feature in Console dialog was removed.
* “Leave as is” option in context menu of permissions box.
* Improved error logging.
* Bug fix: Path to random seed file enclosed in quotes is handled properly.
* Bug fix: Handling of cyclic symbolic links.
* Bug fix: Session can be opened, even when configured default local directory does not exist.
* Bug fix: Leaved directory is selected after parent directory is opened, even when parent directory is loaded from cache.
* Bug fix: Abort command have not worked properly, when remote file deletion failed after file was moved to local directory.
* Bug fix: When log window was opened, it received focus after file operation finishes. Some other log window bugs fixed too.
Ne visi trolejbusos gulj. Citi nixus lieto…
fufls kaukaac
reaali laba lieta, ljoti noderiiga ja piemeeram nav ftp pieejas bet ir shells.
kaa nelielu miinusu vareetu mineet to, ka datu apmainjas aatrums nav
taads pats, ja tiktu lietots parasts ftp, tachu viss ir droshi un nosnifot
neko nevar.
K: ja ir shells, tad ir ari ftp pieeja 😛 bet nu manta shad tad nodeetu uz win32, ja ir aizdomas, ka tikla atrodas snifferis
2 noisex: nu ne vienmeer, es maajaas kad man bija slacka proftpd liidz galam taa arii sesakonfoju