Microsoft Internet Explorer lietotājus varētu interesēt jaunā uzmava – MyIE2 0.7.1355 Final 2 980KiB. Sver tik daudz, jo šī ir tā saucamā “combo” versija kurā ir iekļauti arī dažādi papildus spraudņi (plug-ins).
Manuprāt, šī ir viena no labākajām ēzelīša uzmavām, kas tiek piedāvāta bez maksas, bet par to jau es rakstīju iepriekš un tāpēc visi interesenti var palasīt arhīvā MyIE2 v0.50.830 Final aprakstu.
Tā kā pilnībā esmu pārgājis uz Mozilla Firebird, tad nemācēšu pateikt vai šajā versijā ir izlabotas iepriekšējās versijās ielaistās kļūdiņas.
New in this version:
(Added) Double click on tab bar to open a new window.
(Enhanced)Startup speed.
(Fixed) Remember last selected side bar plugin.
(Added) Plugin Type at new plugin found dialog.
(Added) Offline help string in language file. Offline help will be called first.
(Added) Support bookmarklet.
(Fixed) Launching from html file would not resume last visited page.
(Added) Open local folder inside MYIE2.
(Added) More DDE support. WWW_GetWindowInfo supported. Power Marks supported.
(Fixed) Drop .url file to MYIE2 would not open the URL.
(Added) Uninstall option in Add/Remove dialog.
(Added) Uninstall will also remove MYIE2 identification string.
(Changed)Status bar filter button changes to Enable/Disable All filters.
(Added) No stretch BK mode in side bar. Use [SIDEBAR_STYPLE] BK_IMAGE_STRETCH=0
(Added) Support for RoboForm toolbar. Please use Combo Version or download the plugin from our web site.
(Fixed) Uninstall program will restore flash download and restore your previous default browser.
(Changed)Stop command in right tab click menu is replaced by ‘Link List’.
(Fixed) Proxy toggle problem when there is no proxy defined.
(Fixed) Could not open .htm files under some special version of windows.
(Added) Zoom page feature, could be used with Ctrl+’+’, Ctrl+’-‘ and Ctrl+’*’ shortcut.
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