Varbūt kāds vēl lieto DC++ 0.25 Installer 2 020KiB. Ienākusies jauna versija.
Bez installera arhīvs DC++ 0.25 3 672KiB.
Būtiskākās izmaiņas jaunajā versijā:
* Implemented a faster substring search algorithm for share and file listing searches
* User commands now work from search as well
* Fixed a major bug where queue items without sources were not loaded from disk on restart
* Fixed slow favorites opening / excessive saving
* Large speedup in file listing search
* Added selection size info to queue frame
* Fixed some crashes when closing windows
ADLSearch: (by Henrik Engström)
* Keyboard shortcuts.
* Context menu (back again).
* Removed ‘Active’ column and made it a check box.
* Unified button texts to the rest of DC++.
* Fixed bug with multiple destination directories, some search results only ended up in the first of multiples.
* Memory savings for users with many files in share
* Hyperthreading / multicpu users, try again and report back if it works
* Fixed %[hub] in upload log
* Some code cleanup
* Fix for buggy HTTP servers sending Content-Length with wrong case (thanks sandos)
* Added link to change log in help menu (thanks todd)
* Fixed link to faq (thanks todd)
* Fixed public hub list mouse clicks and reopening (thanks todd)
* Fixed so that “3/4 users offline” can be translated to polish
* Fixed tabbing in search frame
* Added option for not downloading zero-byte files
* Added handling for dchub:// in main chat (opens the hub)
* Fixed a bug with strange nicks causing problems with file list opening
* Fixed a bug with orphaned file lists
* Fixed a bug with socks5 password length (thanks dwomac)
* Double-clicking text selects the word (as in old versions, thanks todd pederzani)
* Directories are no longer returned for “at least” searches with bytes > 0 (i e directory size is assumed 0)
* Fixed another issue with accesses to invalid drive letters (thanks sarf)
* Holding shift during startup (when the main window shows) will disable autoconnecting to hubs
* Fixed user description saving and updating (thanks todd)
* Large files are now moved in a separate thread to avoid losing connection while moving (if using temporary download dir)
iemāciet, durakam, jamo aiz prokša palaist…
ieksh configa aktivizee Passive mode.
“download failed: hos unreachable”
aciimredzot ar passive vien nepietiek…
Ja tev proksī būs nogriezti DC un/vai hubā, kam gribi pievienoties, izmantotie porti, tad tu varēsi konektēties zils palikdams un nekas nenotiks.
tieshi taa :p
Man ir radusies probleema ar jaunaakaam versijas DC++
Kjipa pie publik habiem shamais:
1) Ar sho versiju vispaar paraada ka hosts no kurienes laadee hubu listi neeksistee
2) ar ieprieksheejaam 2.x versijaam habu listee paraadiijaas tikai kautkaads viens habs 🙂
Kur ir probleema ?
Help !!!
Visticamāk, settingos jānomaina links, no kurienes dc++ ņem hubu listi.
Settings/Downloads/Public Hubs list URL
Es lietoju šo:
Senks 🙂 its rulzz 🙂
Es jau krietnu laiku netieku klaat Latvijas hubiem :(((
Jā tā defaultā Hub liste laikam downā. Es ar to pašu 1stleg lietoju, bija man kaut kur forumā saraksti ar labākajiem hub listiem, tik kaut kur noklīda.
she buus lapa ar hublistiem
lv hubu lists –
Kads nezin kape nerubi progresa logs, es jau pat versijas mainiju, ari konfigureju neka? varbut tas ir atkarigs no kaut ka cita?
Nowij hub min share 1 Gb ka4aite filmi i muziku
Nu nez vai te var reklameet savu hubu,var?
Varbūt dia666vol tagad slimnīcā ar lauztām kājām guļ:)
Eu kaads luudzu nevareetu pateikt kaadu latvieshu hubu listi kura tieshaam darbojas neviss kautkaadu murgu?=]
deriigs hublists …
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