Media Player Classic

bush, te pabakstīja un teica, ka esot iznākusi jauna Media Player Classic versija.

Aizeju uz izstrādātāja lapu un skatos, ka šis nedēļas laikā jau sameistarojis kaudzi ar jaunām versijām. Sākumā Media Player Classic versijā salicis dažus jaunumus un izlabojis kļūdiņas un pēc tam tā teikt piebeidz versiju, izlabojot vēl neizlabotās kļūdas un jaunās fīčas.

Media Player Classic priekš Windows NT/2k/XP 596KiB
Media Player Classic priekš Windows 9x/ME 596KiB

Izmaiņas versijās:

2003/04/03, 02:06 pm GMT
* Media Player Classic
o Removed the popup msg dialog from the avi-ac3 handler filter.
2003/04/03, 01:44 am GMT
* Media Player Classic
o Hotfix for crashing ogm files with vorbis audio.
2003/04/02, 03:40 pm GMT
* Media Player Classic
o Much better QuickTime support. There are three renderers you can choose from. The first should be the most compatible, it is almost like the activex control without all the problems and uses overlay when it can (but when can’t it switches to qt’s- extra-slooow-mode). The other two are directly accessing the bits of the video and doing the rendering through GDI or DirectX7. The DX7 renderer also allows subtitling, it works the same way as the special RealMedia renderer. Additional smaller improvements are frame-stepping, variable playback rate, audio balance control.
o “Save as…” for local files. Can be used to rip vcd/svcd/xcd files to normal files, audio cd tracks to uncompressed wave files and vob title sets to a decrypted vob. The last two is only available under nt, and for larger vob sequences be sure to choose an ntfs formatted partition because currently the ripper copies one big vob file. All other files copy without modification, but (!) also using the filter graph (wow, isn’t that great :P)
o Toolbars remember their docked position and size.
o video_ts.ifo switches to dvd mode and vts_xx_0.ifo opens the title set vobs as a whole (directly from the dvd only under nt).
o Fullscreen resolution switch. Certain renderers might have difficulties restoring the picture.
o Command line’s main file name accepts directory names and wildcards. Directories can also be drag&dropped onto the window/playlist.
o Remote controller support via WinLIRC and uICE.
o More commands added onto the redefinable shortcut list.
o Autolaunch handlers for WinXP.
o Taskbar button can be replaced with tray icon.
o Open dialog correctly filters the file types.
o More detailed report of the not rendered pins, including media type dump and a web based codec lookup (the database is still being filled up).
o Playlist items which can’t be opened are marked and skipped.
o Special peripheral buttons are ignored when they are not sent by a keyboard or mouse. (requested because of “soundcard-speakers” on usb)
o Options sheet remembers the last used property page during one session.
o Auto-zoom centers the new window frame around the last center point and not just extends to the right and bottom directions.
o Sorting modes and randomize added onto the contex menu of ther playlist.
o Playlist and subtitle saving dialog got a combo box to select between ansi and unicode encoding types (same as notepad’s under nt).
o File icon is displayed on the left of the status message.
o Added a fix for better switching of ac3 streams when decoded using ac3filter.

Media Player Classic mājas lapa

Jaunās apakšversijas, ja tādas iznāks un, ja es tās piefiksēšu, atradīsiet direktorijā

14 thoughts on “Media Player Classic

  1. coolynx

    AB: internetaa ir tik daudz lapu, kur raksta par citaam, daudz interesantaakaam lietaam. es rakstu par to, kas mani interesee. un arii turpmaak rakstiishu par shiis programmas jaunajaam versijaam kaa arii citu programmu jaunajaam versijaam, kas mani interesees. taa kaa vari droshi aizmirst sho adresi, jo te prieksh tevis nekas interesants nav gaidaams.

  2. AB

    peedejja laikaa taads diezgan nervozs izklausies coolynx par katru siikumu saac blaut lai ejot prom uz citaam lapaam ( protams ka tu vari raxtiit ko tu gribi nesmu nekad tev kautko aizraadijis un netaisos )

  3. coolynx

    AB: tavs aizvainotais teksts taads paziistams shkjiet. varbuut atkal taisies komentaaros plosiities?noteikti, ka tev nepietiks drosmes atklaat, kas zem shii nika sleepjas…

  4. Krotow

    Jau ceturtdien bija pieejama šī versija. Jāatzīst, ka salīdzinājumā ar oriģinālo windozes mediaplayeri tiešām rullē. Interesanti, kā autori panākuši, ka jamam tik mazs izmērs?


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