Gribēju ielikt divas norādes uz rakstiem, ko daudzi noteikti nebūs izlasījuši, jo mērķa auditorija šiem rakstiem, manuprāt, ir cilvēki, kas neapmeklē šāda tipa lapas, bet tiem, kas apmeklē, tiem atkal šie raksti nemaz nav vajadzīgi.
Tātad raksti ir par to kā pareizāk nokonfigurēt savu e-pasta klientu, kas ir pats populārākais pasaulē – Microsoft Outlook, bet diemžēl ne drošākais.
Securing Outlook, Part One: Initial Configuration
Securing Outlook, Part Two: Many Choices to Make
Es gan pats šos rakstus neizlasīju, jo tie ir ļooooti gari, bet mans e-pasta klients ir The Bat! vai sliktākā gadījumā Mozilla un šie abi klienti ir neievainojami pret e-pasta vīrusiem vai trojas zirgiem, tāpēc arī esmu tik mierīgs.
Pārskrēju ar acīm šos rakstus un vislabāk man patika tā daļa, kur ir pieminētas citas alternatīvas 🙂
Consider Other E-mail Clients
Finally, if Outlook’s history of problematic security concerns you, then perhaps you should consider switching to another e-mail program. Eudora is a fine program with a strong community of users. Mozilla and Netscape both offer an excellent e-mail program (Mozilla and Netscape are essentially the same program; AOL, which owns Netscape, periodically uses the latest open source Mozilla code as a base for a new release of Netscape). Pegasus Mail has a devoted user base that swears by it. All of these clients are free, although Eudora also offers Eudora Pro, a version of the software that includes additional features, for a modest price.
Some e-mail clients require you to buy them. The Bat is a relatively little known program that is well loved by its users. Mulberry is available for Mac, Windows, and Linux, one of the only truly cross-platform clients mentioned here (the other is Mozilla/Netscape), and it supports IMAP beautifully, as well as POP.