Dreef pačukstēja, ka ir iznākusi jauna versija vispopulārākajam vislabākajam Windows e-pasta klientam The Bat!.
Laikam jau tā ir kļuvusi par tradīciju, ka katru gadu tā ap Ziemassvētkiem iznāk kārtējā versija The Bat! 1.62 Christmas Edition 2 485KiB.
Šķiet, ka Ritlabs vīri ir atmetuši ar roku cīņai ar lauzējiem un arī šai versijai der vecie labie atslēgu ģeneratori un programmas pielabotāji no Ivanopulo. Es teiksim izmantoju to pašu veco paciņu priekš 1.52 versijas. Dreef pamēģināja 1.60. Ja nu gadījumā pie rokas nav nevienas ne otras, ne trešās vai vēl nezin kādas versijas, tad var aiziet uz šo te lapeli SoftReef un atrast Ziemassvētku dāvaniņu ar iesaiņotu 1.60 versijas komplektu no DAMN grupas.
Version 1.62 (07-Dec-2002)
[+] Possibility to choose MailTicker folders at once by right clicking on the MailTicker.
[+] Forwarded flag can be used in the “View|Display|Advanced filtering”.
[*] In case of CRAM-MD5 authentication failure on SMTP, there is a fallback to less secure authentication mechanisms, unless “Require secure authentication” option is checked.
[*] More diganostic information is given when reporting error in displaying html.
[*] The Bat! issues ‘RSET’ SMTP command after each message sent to prevent subsequent message to be send to addressees of a previous message on some odd servers.
[-] Specials| Create Filter (Shift-Ctrl-F) didn’t work when message auto-view was turned off.
[-] The Bat! didn’t support the SMIMEEncryptionKeyPreference S/MIME attribute and thus was unable to verify didital signatures made by Outlook XP.
[-] SmartBat contents wasn’t saved when exiting The Bat! with open SmartBat.
[-] Fixed some incompatibilities with RFC2797 (Certificate Management Messages over CMS).
[-] There was an action in sorted/office filters which was logged as an error and caused an exclamation sound.
[-] Fixed a bug in “Message Redirect” cmmand with inserting the redirector’s Reply-To information into the redirected message if the original message didn’t have the Reply-To field set.
[-] Removed flickering in the About box when the credits are scrolled.
[-] Attachments were not deleted from the attachments directory when they were deleted from the Trash folder.
[-] TLS error messages weren’t logged.
[-] “Sender” was added to the address list in “Reply To All” command.
[-] Change of Account/Folder directory and removal of account files wasn’t handled gracefully.
[-] The Bat! didn’t properly support Serbian Cyrillic.
[-] A work-around for the WinSock buffer overrun bug.
[-] Parameter SELECTED was ignored in SELECT tag of HTML messages.
[-] Local delivery was working only for one message per address.
[-] Some problems with splitters.
[-] Address books were not restored correctly for “fresh” installations.
[-] Messages restored from parts were not checked for viruses.
Jauki, ka RitLabs neaizmirst par mums
Klau, a kaa lai Batu piespiezh saprast Unicode? Man vish spiitiigi raada ??? ??? ?? burtu vietaa 🙁 Vieniigais, bet buutiskais truukums shai progzai. Varbuut kaac zin, kaa to labot?
MaKo: godīgi sakot nekad neesmu saskāries ar tādu probēmu. Varbūt vari atsūtīt kādu meilu UTF-8 kodējumā. Ja The Bat! nesabojās to, tad gan jau, ka varēs atkozt. 🙂 Ar ISO sanāca, tad kāpēc gan, lai UTF nevarētu. Lai gan pagooglojot lasīju, ka ar UTF esot skarbi…
Šito var The Bat! http://zsigri.tripod.com/fontboard/csthebat.html
ex priecaajaties vien a varbuut kaads zin kad kaads uzkodees linux versiju
Nah i teikts ka vislabaakajam ? Manupraat nau vinsh vislabaakais laigam MS sux ir taada hernja ble – bija man drafts folderi tipa- 1x veru valjaa vairs nau ne1a foldera ne1a maila.. psc marazms! betnu BAT man vispar nepatik!
Mozillas pasta klients arii ir normaals. Es teiksim nevaru pasuudzeeties par kaut ko nu iipashi aciis lecoshu un kaitinoshu.
lietoju Batu kopsh sevi atceros.
ir apnjemshanaas arii sanjemties un nopirkt to programminju kaadreiz 🙂 malachi RitLabs
nu vel jau labs diezgan ir ariii Netscape defaultais meila klientc.. man vismaz patikaas
Bat reaali valda. Man tikai nepatiik defaultais reply formaats. Uzkodeeju savu (normaalu), bet to tur var tikai rekursiivi izdariit. Garus mailus replyot ir nereaali. Vai kaads nezin kaa bez rekursijas uztaisiit savu reply formaatu?
Ir veerts jauno TheBat likt? Baigais cakars visus mail accontus no jauna ielikt. Tur vispaar kaut kas juutami ir uzlabots?
Sand: nekas nav pa jaunu jaaliek. Uzinstalee pa virsu un viss notiek. Vai arii uztaisi backup versiju ar The Bat! eksport iespeeju un tad ieeksportē pa jaunam, bet taa jau ir perversija.
Vareetu padot seriaalo uz guncy@inbox.lv, tnx
To CEKA: Izmanto Linux’aa Sylpheed. Ir arii korporatiivie risinaajumi.
Vecais – v1.60 TheBat man liekas bija labaaks. Neko iipasi uzlabotu nemanu, teiksu taa, nepatiik man tie uzlabojumi, iipasi, kad nevar redzeet kas ar mail serveri notiek, kad tiek cekoti maili. Kas suuta mailu arii prasa vai gribu saglabaat brr. iespeejams ka to setingos var nonemt, bet slinkums cakareeties. UN zaaliites arii neaarstee. Varbuut kads var atmeilot kaadas kas liidzees?
A Birojs 2k2 tajaa straadaa nekorekti